December 2014 - 31 Days of JUSTICE
Inspired by fellow artist
Daniel Cooney, I've decided to follow his "sketch a day" event. Not wanting to rip him off completely, instead of entirely devoting to beautiful women, I've decided that the world needs more justice.
As such, I'm doing a drawing of a Justice League character every day for the month of December!
1 Atom
2 Black Canary
3 Captain Marvel
4 Doctor Fate
5 Enlongated Man
6 Firestorm
7 GL Guy Gardner
8 Hawkgirl
9 Ice
10 Jade
11 Kasumi
12 L-Ron
13 Martian Manhunter
14 Nuklon
15 Oracle
16 Power Girl
17 Question
18 Red Tornado
19 Superman
20 Tasmanian Devil
21 Vixen
22 Wonder Woman
23 Zatanna
24 Aquaman
25 Blue Beetle
26 Cyborg
27 Deadman
28 Element Woman
29 Flash
30 Green Arrow
31 Huntress
I tried to go in alphabetical order, but there were some letters missing.
Each will be drawn on 9" x 12" Bristol and posted here and all my other social media sites. I will be selling each for $25 (including shipping!) for the month of December ONLY.
Look for the Atom later tonight!
~Mike D